BALLOTS - vertaling naar spaans
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BALLOTS - vertaling naar spaans

Ballot design; Butterfly ballot; Ballot paper; Ballots; Ballot papers; Ballot voting; Punch-card ballot; Paper ballot; Psephocracy; Punch-card ballots; Voting ballot; Punch card ballot
  • Finnish presidential election]]

= BALLOTS (Bibliographic Automation of Large Library Operations Using a Time-Sharing System).
Nota: Distribuidor de información bibliográfica.
Ex: Hundreds of libraries benefit from this service through secondary distributors such as Stanford's BALLOTS (Bibliographic Automation of Large Library Operans Using a Time-Sharing System) system.
(n.) = votación, voto
Ex: The board consists of seven members elected by popular ballot for three-year terms.
* ballot box = urna, urna electoral
* ballot paper = papeleta para votar
* cast + ballot = votar, emitir un voto
* postal ballot = voto por correo
* secret ballot = voto secreto
* stuff + the ballot box = manipular las urnas, sabotear las urnas
bolilla que algunas comunidades emplean para votar
papeleta de voto


ballot paper
(ballot papers)
A ballot paper is a piece of paper on which you indicate your choice or opinion in an election or ballot.
N-COUNT: usu pl



A ballot is a device used to cast votes in an election and may be found as a piece of paper or a small ball used in secret voting. It was originally a small ball (see blackballing) used to record decisions made by voters in Italy around the 16th century.

Each voter uses one ballot, and ballots are not shared. In the simplest elections, a ballot may be a simple scrap of paper on which each voter writes in the name of a candidate, but governmental elections use pre-printed ballots to protect the secrecy of the votes. The voter casts their ballot in a box at a polling station.

In British English, this is usually called a "ballot paper". The word ballot is used for an election process within an organization (such as a trade union "holding a ballot" of its members).

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BALLOTS
1. ballots and referendum.
Connectography - Mapping the Future of Global Civilization _ Parag Khanna _ Talks at Google
2. impact beyond the ballots?
Deeds Not Words _ Wendy Davis _ Talks at Google
3. didn't cast their ballots, right?
AAPI in the Public Eye _ Bill Imada & Kathy Ko Chin _ Talks at Google
4. You look at their ballots.
FairVote - Improving Democratic Outcomes _ Rob Richie & Krist Novoselić _ Talks at Google
5. the committed and stuck ballots are going
The Stellar Consensus Protocol _ David Mazières _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BALLOTS
1. The support came despite fears expressed by members of all major political parties that the country‘s notoriously slow and corrupt postal service will handle mailing out ballots.
2. In terms of absentee voting, a first–time feature of presidential elections in 2006, Smith predicted a small number of overseas ballots with a negligible effect on the outcome.
3. The entire Mexican electorate is estimated at about 65 million, out of a national population of 100 million, so the impact of voters casting ballots from other countries could be substantial.
4. Also, for the first time ever, Mexican migrants living abroad will be allowed to cast absentee ballots in 2006, giving them an unprecedented voice in who will replace Fox.
5. Under the Senate plan, voters would have to solicit ballots by sending a letter with a copy of their voter registry card, their address abroad and signature to Electoral authorities between Oct. 1 and Jan. 15, 2006.